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| William Brydon
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| "...a beloved and honoured resident of Liverpool for many years..."
William Bryden obituary
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| "...aboard ship in the Mediterranean."
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| "...after a lengthy illness" Louis Marwood obituary
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| "...Agnes, the beloved wife of Johgn A. Algie..."
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| "...and able to enjoy up to the last a fair measure of health..." Phoebe Ann Algie, nee Ward
Acton Free Press 1 Oct 1942
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| "...best known citizen in the upper end of the valley..."
La Grange Daman obituary
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| "...drove her own car until 88 years of age..."
Sarah Milligan obit
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| "...for many years a resident of this district" William Calhoun obit
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| "...had undergone an operation preceding her death"
Mrs. Campbell (nee Brydon)
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| "...he had just left hospital after an attack of influenza." The son of Henry Hogg and Elizabeth Brydon
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| "...he was one of the earliest pioneers..." death of John Bryden
son of John Bryden and Ann Couper
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| "...her bright and kindly disposition..." Janet Ann Brydon, daughter of William Brydon and Elizabeth Orr.
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| "...John Algie, baker; aged 64."
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| "...never rallied from the effects of the stroke..."
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| "...resided most of her life at the family home at Borderside..." Miss Edna Brydon
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| "...she moved to this area ten years ago." Peggy Stoner, nee Brydon
daughter of Charles Brydon and Helen Williams
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| "...this community lost another of its esteemed residents." The sudden passing of Francis Brydon
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| "...was in her 90th year" "Miss Sarah Lloyd Dies, Born in Lloydtown"
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| "...widow of the late John Brydon" Emma Eliza Lloyd obit
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| "...with nothing but indomitable pluck..." John Anderson, husband of Mary Bryden
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| "...youngest daughter of the late Wm. Brydon..." Diane Agnes Brydon obit
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| "..at the Carbondale Nursing Home where she had been a guest for the past six years."
Bessie Gunsauls obituary
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| "..former mayor of Brampton and teacher.." Bill Brydon
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| "..hastened by a severe heart attack a year and a half ago" Frank Wolcott, husband of Lula Ann Brydon
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| "..on account of her great age was not expected to..." Janet Wright, wife of James Young.
Her daughter married Henry Dale.
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| "..was among the first settlers of this township" obit for Robert Brydon, formerly of Morebattle, Scotland
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| "..will be pained to hear of the death" Edward Shanley Brydon obit
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| "A Sad Accident" James Hewitson
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| "A terrific explosion of gas occurred..." ...resulting in the death of James A. Bryden, general superintendant of the mine."
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| "A welder in the construction industry for 40 years" C. Victor Brydon
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| "After a brief illness from a fall on the ice..." John Akitt obituary
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| "Alton loses her leading manufacturer and philanthropic citizen" Sudden death of Wm. Algie
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| "an old and respected resident of Dunmore" John Glencross
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| "another of the oldest and most respected pioneers" John Brydon obituary
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| "At Allendale..." John Cerswell death.
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| "At his residence in Rockwood..." Alex Brydon obit
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| "At his residence, after a protracted illness..." James Brydon
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| "at the age of 92" Adam Brydon, formerly of Clinton
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| "Before his health failed he was an ardent athelete, playing rugby with the Argos" Newton Brydon's obit in the Toronto Star, May 3 1915